Marijuana has in the past, and still is a hot topic in a few nations across the world been. Since Canada made the usage or recreational cannabis legal, more states have since followed suit. Only a paltry four states in the US are yet to make it legal. But, as the world is waiting for them to do so, the pot stocks industry is literary becoming like a gold mine. New deals are being announced daily, and the mergers and acquisition have never gotten any better. Here are the top 10 stocks to invest in as an investor and some best 10 newcomers to keep your eyes on.

Best 10 Ups in the Marijuana Stocks

1. Acreage Holdings

Initially known as High Street Capital Partners, this is a company based in British Columbia Canada and holds a diverse portfolio of cannabis plants. It processes and dispenses in the US, with a market cap of more than $1.8 billion in the US Exchanges.

2. Aphria Inc

It is also a Canadian marijuana company that is listed on the Toronto Stock exchange with a market cap of $3 billion, as of 2018 January. It also trades in the New York Stock Exchange.

3. Aurora Cannabis Inc

This is a licensed medical cannabis producer from Canada, based in Edmonton. As of 2017, its market cap was $11 million. Today buying its shares pays off.

4. CannTrust Holdings Inc

The Canadian Cannabis Award winner of 2018 is a pharmaceutical cannabis company with a market capital of $1.095 at the moment.

5. Canopy Growth Corp

Initially called Tweed Marijuana Inc, Canopy Growth Corp’s market cap was $15 million as of 2017.

6. Cronos Group Inc.

It was formerly known as PharmaCan Capital Corp, this company trades at both the New York Stock Exchange as well as NASDAQ with a market cap of $2.97 billion.

7. GW Pharmaceuticals PLC

This is a cannabis pharmaceutical company in the UK that is almost becoming a pure play cannabis company, boasting of a market cap of $3.8 billion

8. HEXO Corp

This company focuses on innovative, smoke-free as well as the traditional cannabis product. It is still the best to watch too with a market cap of $1.5 billion.

9. The Innovative Industrial Properties Inc

This company remains to be the only publicly traded marijuana focused real estate investment trust. It has a market cap of $407.20million.

10. Pyxus International Inc

Initially known as Alliance One International, this company has also tried tobacco growing and packaging. It boasts of a market cap of $257.3 million.

Best Comers to the watch in 2019

As the pot stocks industry keeps booming, more companies are quickly getting on board to get their fair share of the cake. Nonetheless, there are a few of them that are putting more effort than others and they are performing exceptionally well. The following comers are among the best 10 comers of 2019.However, the list, has not been ranked in order of their market capital.

• Pax Labs
• KushCo
• Harborside also operating as Pax Labs
• InterCure Ltd – An Israeli Company
• Blueberries Medical
• Origin House – market cap $301 million
• Aleafia Health (ALEAF)
• MediPharm Labs (MLCPF)
• Green Organic Dutchman Holdings (TGODF)
• Credit Plus Products (PLPRF)